Saturday, March 12, 2011


Hi. I'm a farm dog. My name is Bella. Here's a pic of moi.


Here's my good side.

Uh oh. I feel a sneeze coming on just a---


*Sniff, sniff* That's better. Wanna see one of my friends? She keeps me fit! She's a ruff and tumble puppy!!

Hi Chel- no, come here please.

No, come back please so I can show you to everyone...

Hey that's my food! Come HERE!

*Sheesh!* Thank you. Say, "STEAK!!"

Wanna see the Great Wise One? She's 13 years old!!! She knows everything!
But she won't let me show her face. I need to mess it up a bit... THERE.

*PSST* I snuck in a photo of what she actually looks like. Here you go.

She never speaks her name. So we call her GWO.

*Crunch, crunch* HEY! CHELSEA!!

THAT'S MY FOOD!!! Come 'ere you!!! 


Bella: UNCLE! UNCLE!!!
Chelsea: That was fun! Let's do that again!!!
Bella: No.

Here's another one of my friends. Well, actually she's not a friend. She thinks she's a princess. Sheesh.

Halllllooo. My name is Princess Tiger Lily. I am a pure bred Chihuahua.

So that's my life. I'll try to get on weekly. Thank you!!

1 comment:

  1. I like it when Chelsea and Bella fight. It's funny. -Allison
