Thursday, April 7, 2011

Random Snuff.

Hello! I'm just posting random stuff.

Have you ever seen Chelsea chase a LASER???

Laser? Laser?

Yeah Chelsea. Look at the LASER!
Oh my friend! I've missed you!
Come back here!
I've got you! Oh, wait, no COME BACK!
Cooooome baaaaaack!
This can go on for hours on end. Hey, here's another random thing. Last night my momma did the most horrible thing. SHE DRESSED US UP!

Bella: Don't we look awful? Chelsea: I dunno. I thought we looked kinda snazzy! 
Chelsea: I really like that photo! 
Another random thing. Last night a racoon came in our house! And started updating my blog!!
Carmen the cat: Well hello there beauty! Wowie! Am I beautiful!
 Carmen the cat: If I didn't know better I'd KISS you!
Carmen the Cat: MWAH! MWAH!
Another ramdom thing. Misty apparently has skills!

Is that you Misty?
The name is MistyMoonlight and yes, it's me.
Bella: How'd get up here? Misty: Skill.
Another random thing. GWO and I played poker. And I think GWO CHEATED!

We tried. I lost, she cheated.
The other dogs heard very colorful language coming out of my mouth.
Another random thing. I tried sunbathing for the first time in a while.

It felt goooood.
Well, that's it. BYE!

1 comment:

  1. Does anyone ever comment ever? Does anyone ever actually READ this? What would happen if I just stopped this?
